The 3 Most Important Pieces of Information Your Website Needs
In this world of internet, everyone needs a website these days. Like literally everyone - an entrepreneur, a business, a restaurant, a store, a photographer, an artist, etc. If you don't have one for your business, chances are that you're missing out on a good number of opportunities and customers. But if you don't have the time or resources to devote to building a big, full-fledged strategic website, at the very least you'll want to make sure you have these 3 very important pieces of information on your site and they are placed where people can find them easily.
The very first banner on my homepage says front and center “Studio K8Ki is a branding & web design studio for creative entrepreneurs with a vision” - right away you know what I do and who I do it for.
1. Who you are & what you do
Have you ever found yourself on a website and you cannot figure out what the heck it’s for?? There’s nothing more frustrating than getting lost on a website and you better believe that your potential customers will be frustrated too. If it’s not clear what you are trying to sell or promote right away on your site, people are going to leave the site. That's why this is the first piece of info that I recommend including on your website’s homepage. If you don’t have a mission statement or a catchy headline, that's fine. At the very least you can state what you do and who you do it for.
2. An about page
After you’ve established who you are and what you do, the next thing people usually wonder is “what makes this person/business qualified to do this?”. That’s why an about page is important. This is where you can tell your story and let your viewers know why YOU are the right person for the job. Maybe you have all the right certifications, or maybe you’ve had X number of years of experience so you know exactly what you’re doing. All those things will build trust with your audience to let them know that you are an expert in your field and it will help gain their trust in you and your business.
3. A way to contact you
Now that you’ve got them on the hook, you will need a way for people to get in touch with you. Whether it's your email address, a contact form, phone number, facebook - it doesn’t matter how you want people to contact you, but by having at least one way to communicate with your audience it again builds even more trust and let’s potential customers know that you are a real person they can reach out to. I know that I wouldn't use a product or service if I couldn't figure out how to contact someone to ask a question if I needed to.
There’s nothing that will turn a potential customer off quicker than not being able to get the info they need to make a decision on whether or not to hire you/buy your product. So make sure that at the minimum you’ve got these 3 items of information included on your website to be sure you’re website is doing its job.